Focus on fuel consumption and resultant CO2 emissions
The uvex group is encouraging its vehicle users to travel in a fuel-efficient manner. Frequent drivers, i.e. those who drive more than 40,000 km per year, must complete a combined environmental and driving safety training, offered by the ADAC (europes largest motoring association). Since financial year 2018/2019, infrequent drivers – i.e. those who do not drive more than 15,000 km per year, have been rewarded with a bonus in their cost calculation. Since 01 January 2020 with the introduction of the current Guidelines on the Use of Company Vehicles, uvex group fleet management has placed an even greater focus on fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions this generates. More fuel-intensive vehicles (4-wheel drives, SUVs, more powerful engines) naturally mean significantly higher contributions payable by employees or a need to settle for a lower specification vehicle. An overview illustrated by the traffic light system shows how anyone acquiring a new vehicle is shown the positive impact of low fuel consumption on sustainability and the resultant cost advantages and disadvantages, thereby encouraging drivers to opt for a vehicle with the lowest possible fuel consumption. The previous BMS (bonus-malus scheme = reward/penalty, e.g. in insurance terms, a no-claims bonus) was replaced by the above-mentioned new scheme in financial year 2019/2020.

Since 01 January 2020, the guidelines indicate that the larger the tyre (18"-20"), the higher the fuel consumption and resultant CO2 emissions. Consequently, a bonus is granted for vehicles with a tyre diameter of only 15"-17".

Encouraging alternative mobility
To promote mobility alternatives, where car users have a credit balance below their additional contribution budget, they are encouraged to apply for a "JobRad" - a company bicycle or eBike - or to take up the offer of an annual season ticket for public transport as alternatives. With this mobility offer, the uvex group is aiming to reduce the number of kilometres its employees drive per year and to encourage individual users to switch to more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Reduction of kilometres driven through digital communication
Irrespective of the current COVID-19 situation, the uvex group is developing targeted online communication possibilities and creating suitable infrastructures for this purpose. This will partly eliminate the use of company cars and reduce harmful emissions. In financial year 2019/2020, a reduction in excess of 20 % of overall kilometres driven or total fuel consumption was achieved across the entire group in Germany.

GRI 305-5


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