CO2 bonus malus regulation
In light of the bonus malus regulation for company vehicles, since 01 January 2017, a neutral corridor of 110 – 120g CO2 according to manufacturer data has been applicable at the uvex group, in which additional payments for passenger cars involve neither a bonus nor a malus. The regulation serves as an incentive to opt for more environmentally friendly vehicles.
On 01 September 2017, a new, globalised measurement procedure for determining exhaust gas emissions was introduced (WLTP). Inevitably, this new, more realistic testing method meant that CO2 values rose significantly by up to 30%. Despite this increase, the bonus malus corridor has remained unchanged for sustainability reasons. The special provision for LCVs remains at 139g.

Focus on fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions this creates
The uvex group encourages its employees to travel in a fuel efficient manner and to avoid refuelling at motorway service stations as much as possible. Frequent drivers, i.e. those who drive more than 40,000 km p.a., must complete a General German Automobile Club (ADAC) combined environmental and driving safety training programme.
Since financial year 2018/2019, “infrequent drivers” who do not drive more than 15,000 km in a year have been rewarded with a bonus in their cost calculation.
Another bonus has also recently been launched for those who drive vehicles with a tyre size of only 17“, 16“ or 15“ as larger tyres contribute to much higher fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

As a special incentive to support sustainability, employees entitled to a company car can take advantage of a substitute mobility in the form of an annual public transport ticket if their financial situation falls short of their budget. In this way, both the employee and the company contribute to reducing the burden on inner-city traffic. 

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