Michael Winter

Managing Partner of the uvex group

protecting people is our mission. protecting planet is the natural continuation of this mission when it comes to treating people, society and nature responsibly. With protecting planet, we have created a label that offers maximum transparency and information about our sustainability activities: from resource-saving products and innovative measures in our factories through to social commitment and social projects.

Georg Höfler

CFO uvex group

The uvex group is aware of our responsibility. For this reason, we are pursuing the lofty ambition of climate-neutral operations. In the first step, we need an all-encompassing balance sheet that lists all our emissions. To this end, we use our established metric systems allied with the production and further development of the uvex group sustainability report. This allows us to guarantee the maximum degree of transparency for our sustainability activities. After all, it is only by clearly fixing this target in our minds that we are able to establish future-orientated measures and, as such, optimally merge the issues of climate protection, social commitment and sustainable profitability.

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