Rainer Winter Stiftung

In 2018, the Rainer Winter Stiftung donated a total of EUR 180,000. Since being founded in 1980, the foundation, which is mainly focused on the Nürnberg-Fürth region, has donated EUR 3.1 million (to year-end 2018) overall.  GRI 203-1, 413-1

Project Eduplex South Africa

The Rainer Winter Foundation and uvex safety South Africa are sponsoring the school fees for two children suffering from severe hearing loss, Saebelo and Thuto. They both wear cutting-edge hearing aids and, as a result, are able to take part in integrated classes at Eduplex school in South Africa where, thanks to the huge support from their families, they are making excellent progress. Saebelo is already about to successfully complete the third grade and progress to grade four. His speaking and listening have developed well alongside his reading and writing skills. He has also been motivated in maths class and has understood the concepts. Thuto’s teachers are very pleased too. Even though her vocabulary is still limited, her reading and writing skills have improved, while she has made great strides in terms of her numeracy skills. She will now progress to grade two.


Donation of EUR 10,000 Euro for "Spiel-und Lernstube Lobsinger"

At the "Spiel-und Lernstube Lobsinger" (playing and learning room) in Nürnberg-Johannis, the Rainer Winter Foundation provides 15 children (aged 6 to 13) a warm lunchtime meal followed by after-school care including help with their homework. The premises of this facility for learning and playing are located in two former apartments of a 40-unit social housing complex. All of the 15 children currently benefiting from this programme free of charge live in these apartments allocated by the social welfare office. Due to the heavily strained housing situation and the lack of affordable housing, these residences are in high demand and some are very cramped. The children come to the "Spiel- und Lernstube" every day after school, where they first of all eat a wholesome lunch. After a short break, they settle down to do their homework, with three members of staff on hand to help. And once they have done their homework, the children are offered a varied daily programme of activities to suit all tastes, including crafts, reading and sport.



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