Michael Winter
Managing Partner of the uvex group
Those who aim to protect people must assume responsibility. Our “protecting people” mission means that we are obligated to act in a sustainable manner that factors in both social and environmental responsibility. Sustainability at the uvex group incorporates the three pillars of economy, ecology and social. We strive to achieve an effective balance between these aspects. Our key brand values of leadership, quality and enthusiasm apply to each of the three pillars and represent the driving forces behind our success.
Georg Höfler
CFO uvex group
In our efforts to fulfil our “protecting people” mission, we have in recent years increasingly been faced with the global economic, social and ecological challenges such as climate change, digitalisation, defending human rights and scarcity of resources. Assuming corporate responsibility is of huge importance to us. For this reason, we have set ourselves the goal of holistically implementing sustainability in our corporate strategy and corporate processes.
GRI 102-14, 102-20, 102-48